Become a Blessons Sponsor

Our sponsors aren’t just financial supporters. They’re hands-on champions—
our mentors, advisors, cheerleaders and friends. Together we empower women and transform their lives economically and spiritually.

Through partnerships with exceptional public, private and humanitarian organizations and the support of forward-thinking foundations, Blessons for Women Charity and free women only programs are empowering and advancing women around the country with the support, resources and inspiration they need to become lifelong world-changers for themselves and for their families.

Our partnership support takes on many forms—from providing funds and sponsorship, to contributions in-kind and donated services, to program delivery and support. Our partners include corporations and donors, schools and educational partners, program and media partners. These partnerships allow for diversified and stable sources of funding which support sustainable development as well as dynamic programming at no cost to women, educators and guests.

In return, our partners enjoy an enhanced corporate reputation as socially-responsible businesses committed to empowering the advancement of women and future leaders to transform the world.

Blessons for Women community partners, sponsors & supporters


Make a Difference

Ways to get involved as a company

  • corporate partners, major donors and in-kind donation supporters

    • Support program development through Team Blessons and engage employees in fundraising activities.

    • Sponsor an event or host a fundraising event on our behalf, ensuring that this programming is free for all women.

    • Help us expand our reach in engaging more people and carry programming to new markets.

    • Fund our programs for women; workshops, wellness clinics, mentorship and group support, scholarships, development and investment in new areas of programming.

  • educational and program partners

    • Support Blessons for Women program delivery and endorse access to educators and schools.

    • Contribute expertise to our program design.

    • Provide us with access to content, talent and resources that enrich the content of Blessons for Women free services including monthly professional and personal development workshops, wellness clinics, mental health program; What’s Your BS Women’s Circles - Women Only Support Group, mentorship and scholarships.

    Please email to learn more.

  • media partners

  • Help carry news about Blessons for Women and Team Blessons to communities across Chicago and the US.

  • Provide us with a variety of opportunities that range from editorial coverage, advertorial opportunities to pro bono ad space.

  • Social Media Content Calendar Support.

Please email to learn more.